Oxford United Methodist Church (OUMC) participates in a variety of Outreach and Mission programs in our area. We believe that we are not just the church on Sunday in our building but we are the church in the world every day of the week.
Among the activities that we currently support are:
ACIM (Area Congregations in Ministry)
OUMC is a founding member of this ministry and many of our members participate as volunteers. ACIM provides food and services to dozens of needy persons in our area each month. Contributions and Volunteers are welcome. For more information visit the ACIM website.
Wills Way
A ministry to provide comfort and support items through gift bags to the families of children in the hospital. Founded by OUMC members Beth and William Day this program reaches hundreds of families each year and relies on volunteers and contributions from across our community and region. For more information or to get involved, visit the Will’s Way Project website.
Summer Literacy
OUMC works with the Duke Endowment to support a summer reading program to help children stay on grade through the summer with reading skills. The program is held in our building and volunteers and financial support are always welcome.
To volunteer email: info@oxfordmethodist.org, For background on the program visit the Summer Literacy Initiative, part of the Duke Endowment.
Other Outreach Programs and Ministries
OUMC supports some two dozen other Outreach programs and ministries, focused on Food Insecurity and Childhood Development. You are invited to come find your place in ministry with us.
For more information on Outreach Opportunities and needs email: info@oxfordmethodist.org.